
    2018-08-30 09:31:53           浏览数:0



  姓名:赵永达     性别:男

  出声年月:1984.11      政治面貌:中共党员

  学位:博士         职称:副高级

  Tel: 18266427955    E-mail: ydzhao_house@126.com


  1. 2011年6月-2015年6月,国家动物用保健品工程技术研究中心,新兽药注册部经理

  2. 2018年6月-至今,必威BETWAY官网  betway必威,兽医药理教研室

  3. 2018年毕业于华南农业大学兽医药理与毒理学方向,获得农学博士学位。

  4. 现为betway必威基础兽医学专业讲师。










  1. 山东省新旧动能转换重大课题重大攻关项目,畜禽呼吸道疾病防治新型兽用原料及其制剂的开发,40.0万元,主持。

  2. 吡虫啉、布他磷系列新兽药的制备及药学评价,横向课题,100.0万元,主持

  3. 国家二类新兽药吡虫啉的研制,横向课题,150.0万元,主持

  4. 国家新兽药复方咪康唑香波的研制,横向课题,120.0万元,主持。


  1. 头孢洛宁,国家二类新兽药,中国农业农村部。

  2. 头孢洛宁乳房注入剂,国家二类新兽药,中国农业农村部。

  3. 丙泊酚注射,国家五类新兽药,中国农业农村部。


      1. Yongda Zhao; Bao-tao Liu; Li-li Guo; Hu Shan*; Binghu Fang*. A novel experimental intraperitoneal infection model for Haemophilus parasuis in neutropenic guinea pigs. Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods, 2018.11.23, 95: 27~35

      2. Yongda Zhao; Lili Guo; Jie Li; Xianhui Huang; Binghu Fang*. Characterization of antimicrobial resistance genes in Haemophilus parasuis isolated from pigs in China. PeerJ, 2018.4.9, 6: 0~e4613

      3. Yongda Zhao; Qin Wang; Jie Li; Xiaohuan Lin; Xianhui Huang; Binghu Fang*. Epidemiology of Haemophilus parasuis isolates from pigs in China using serotyping, antimicrobial susceptibility, biofilm formation and ERIC-PCR genotyping. PeerJ, 2018.6.13, 6: 0~e5040

      4. Yongda Zhao; Lili Guo; Jie Li; Binghu Fang (*); Xianhui Huang *. Molecular epidemiology, antimicrobial susceptibility, and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis genotyping of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from mink. Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research, 2018.10, 82(4): 256~263

      5. Yongda ZHao; Lili Guo; Binghu Fang*; Baotao Liu*. Pharmacokinetic/ pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) evaluation of tulathromycin against Haemophilus parasuis in an experimental neutropenic guinea pig model. PLOS ONE, 2018.12.31, 131(12)

      6. Ming Zou, Guifang Guo, Yongda Zhao, Qidi Zhang. Detection, quantifications, and pharmacokinetics of ponazuril in healthy swine. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics.2014.37: 598-602.

      7. Xianhui Huang, Yongda Zhao, Limin He, Zisen Liang, Lili Guo, Zhengling Zeng, et al. Development of High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method for the Detection of Tulathromycin in Swine Plasma. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2012, 11(3), 465-473.

      8. Hao, Z.H., Zhao, Y.D., Wu, H.T., Hao, L.H., Ding, Z.P., Yang, F.F., Qu, B.H. The Physiological and Biochemical Evaluation of Tulathromycin Premix in Pigs. J Anim Vet Adv 2012, 11:4161-4166.

      9. Hao, Z.H., Zhao, Y.D., Qu, B.H., Wu, H.T., Hao, L.H., Ding, Z.P., Yang, F.F., Li, Y., 2012. Comparative Pharmacokinetics of Two Injection Formulations of Tulathromycin after a Single Intramuscular Administration in Healthy Swine. J Anim Vet Adv. 2012,11: 4201-4204.

      10. Hao, Zhihui; Wang, Leilei; Xiao, Xiao, Kefeng; Zhao, Yongda; Zou, Ming; Zhang, Qidi; Ding, Zhaopeng; Yang, Fenfang; Qu, Baohan*. In vivo investigation of ceftiofur-loaded gelatin and PLGA microspheres in beagle dogs. Journal of Materials Science. 2013

      11. Guo Lili; Zhang Jianmin; Xu Chenggang; Zhao Yongda; Ren Tao; Zhang Bin; Fan Huiying; Liao Ming*. Molecular characterization of fluoroquinolone resistance in Haemophilus parasuis isolated from pigs in South China. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 2011, 66(3): 539~542

编辑:宋静静 夏心怡

责任编辑:李沛霞 单位审核人:孙运彩